Sunday, November 4, 2012

Review: Season 5: Episode 9, The Gem of Empathy *SPOILERS*

EDIT: Pictures added!

This episode wasn't as good as the last few, but it was still nice. <3 Here's my review!!

So we start out with Bloom having a dream where Daphne is being sucked into a weird void of pollution(?) and Bloom is trying to save her, but fails to. Then she wakes up and realizes she's late for class.

We then see WizGiz talking about age-change spells in a class with Stella, Flora, and Musa. ...that's a little groan-inducing. Like, come on, we know we're getting age-change later this episode but come on. Anyway, he ends and Stella shows the girls the designs she made. Flora compliments them and then Stella insists she tell her every little thing she loved. Helia calls, Flora does the classic "Helia!" like from the Lilo but Stella takes the phone away and insists she continue talking to her instead. Okay Stella you're my favorite character but you're really getting on my nerves right now. Stop that. >:C

Stella gets mad because she thinks Flora would rather talk to Helia then her so she calls up Brandon (who is just casually riding his DRAGON) saying it's an emergency. She then proceeds to do everything we saw in the Stella's Fashion clip so I can skip that.

Skip a little forward and Bloom, Aisha, and Tecna decide to go to Zenith to get the next gem. (hey wait, didn't Bloom just be dramatic and say she had her own thing to do in the last episode?) And we see Stella, Musa, and Flora in the archive of fashion or whatever it's called. Stella takes a brooch for "inspiration"... and it has an age-change spell on it. Woopsies. Aww cute baby Stella now. <3  

We're now with Bloom, Aisha and Tecna on Zenith! Well first Tritannus took Zenith selkie's powers, but I mean he does that all the time do I really need to say that. Roy apparently was assigned to patrol Zenith's waters and he has MAGIC NO ROY. Don't try to be Nabu only Nabu can be Nabu :( well he uses it so he can breathe underwater. He then goes with the girls underwater to the Zenith castle which had a cool name but I don't remember it.

Oh Brandon has arrived to meet Flora and Musa... sees little Stella and he thinks she's adorable and plays with her. Wait what. I didn't expect that reaction shouldn't he be a little worried his girlfriend just got turned into a three year old?

Back to Zenith. Tecna bonds with Zenith selkie and then we arrive in the castle and fight some of Tritannus' merzombies. Tecna tries to get the gem which is at the top of some seat throne thing but it's stuck??? Either that or Tecna is REALLY weak. Doubt it though since Aisha tried too and couldn't get it. Anyway they touch some weird vine and start fighting. Tecna says it might've been poisonous so Aisha shouldn't touch it and on it goes from there. I guess it was a cursed vine??

They fight for a little while and everyone fights merzombies for a little while until finally Bloom casts a spell or hits or who knows Aisha and Tecna to make them stop fighting. They then realize the key to getting the gem out is to do it together. I don't really get that since Empathy is understanding others' feelings, not together-ness. It's okay though. Anyway, gem received.

We now go back to Stella, Brandon, Musa, and Flora. Brandon is wearing a headdress of some sort-WHY. Did he make it with little Stella or something?? My goodness Brandon. Anyway they put her to sleep with a bedtime story of like, Princess named Stella who became the best fashion designer ever or something. As soon as she falls asleep she flashes back to normal Stella and wakes up. Basically she has a "what happened?" moment and the others are just like "haha we met a nice little girl today" and she's all like ah okay. Wait she didn't learn a lesson. Why isn't she learning a lesson she was awful earlier??

Overall it was a cute episode but not one of my favorites of the Season. I hope the next episode is a little better. <3 Be sure to tune in next Sunday at 1pm EST to watch it!! :) Thanks for reading! 

All images used in this post are from Nick's official site.

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