Thursday, November 22, 2012

Review: Believix, as a Transformation

"Believix, you're magical! All you gotta do is believe in yourself... and everything will change!"

Believix. The transformation of Season 4, that also came with a million side-transformations. I realized I've never really shared my opinion on it, so here I am doing so. Sorry I posted it so late in the day-- it took me forever to write.

The Designs

The designs of Believix are cute. I love the wings, the colors are bright and flashy, and I love those glitter line things from the stock art that didn't make it into the show. I like how each one accurately reflects the girl's personality without being too obvious. Like Stella's being girlier then the others, Flora's being super natural, and Musa's being... I don't know, how do you describe it? Almost more modern.

Though I don't like the little-girl feel a lot of them have to them-- Stella and Bloom's particularly look like something little girls would wear just to go out apart from the cuts on the tops. At the time of the Season these girls were what, 19? 20? You'd think their outfits would be a little more mature. ((No, I don't mean mature as in risque and stuff, I mean mature as in what you actually could see people that age wearing.))

My favorite of the designs is either Tecna's or Flora's. Both look fabulous on them and both fit their personalities perfectly. My least favorite is Stella's. It fits but like I mentioned earlier, it looks like something an 8 year old would wear.

The Powers

So Believix's power comes from people believing in magic, fairies, and all of that kind of stuff. Seems useful, right? 

Well it is sometimes. Others... not so much. It reminds me of how Musa's music powers used to be. Where the more people singing, the more music playing, the stronger she was. When it was dead quiet she still had powers, but they were depleted tons. It's like that with Believix-- the more people around you, the stronger you can be. But for some reason... the less people around you, the same? That bothered me with Believix. It didn't make sense. Like on Omega where they fought the wizards-- their powers were perfectly strong even though Omega wasn't on Earth, and it doesn't seem like Omega would be a good place to use Earth-based powers. 

I did like the ability of showing people the truth though, or whatever you call it-- it was odd, but it was kinda nice. Not sure if it messes with the people's free will though, and if so that's kinda nasty. Especially for using it for little things.

The Transformations

And by this I mean the actual transformation sequences. 
I really liked Bloom's. The purple background, the flaming on clothing, and the dark silhouette at the beginning. I'd give it about a 9/10. My only 'eh' thing about it is the color background it ends on.

Stella's was nice too. I liked the white silhouette and pretty much everything about it, but I still prefer Bloom's. I'd give it an 8/10, because some of the poses seemed awkward and forced.

Flora's was okay, but the pink vines were unnatural and rather bulky. Her movements were smooth and nice though so I'd give it an overall 7.5/10 or so. 

Musa's... whoa, that one was my favorite! The black silhouette, the dancing, the lights on the dance floor, the twirling, the swimming through the air... everything. Perfect. 10/10.

Tecna's was really nice. I loved the lightning electrical looking stuff, the dark silhouette, the poses, the movements, the rushing background... 10/10.

Aisha's was nice but not my favorite. I loved the water droplet rushing over her thing they had going on but that was about it.  About a 7/10.

Roxy's was really nice. I loved the swimming in the butterflies thing, but I wish there was more actually showing the new outfit getting onto her like in Bloom's. I'd give it an 8/10.

That's about it for what I have to say on Believix. Overall as a transformation I'd rate it about a 7/10. Parts of it were strong but others were weak. Wasn't my favorite.

Note: All images used in this post were pulled off Google, so I don't take any credit for them.

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