Thursday, October 4, 2012

Icy Sirenix, New Preview Clip, and Harmonix Clips

Man, a lot of stuff to stuff into one article, but it all came out so close to each other so they ended up together.

First, a new poster came out that includes Sirenix Icy! What do you guys think?

Personally, I feel like parts of it are really nice, but other don't work so well... like, I really love the stuff on her hair, face, and arms, but the jumpsuit(??) looks a little odd. 

But maybe she'll have Sirenix-looking tights on the legs?? Who knows. I don't really like the muk look of it though, it kinda looks like she fell in some oil. I know they were probably going for that, but you know what I mean. It doesn't work that well for clothing.

I absolutely adore the blue lipstick and makeup though, that's a giant improvement. Makes her look much more evil then before.

Be sure to check out MagixJourney's article on it, and MagicOfWinxClub's article on it! They reported it before me. :) And here is the source of this poster!

Also new in the Winx world, is a preview clip for the next episode! It shows Princess Krystal bringing Diaspro in to help Sky regain his memories. Bad move there, Krystal... that wasn't the smartest thing.

I don't really think she had bad intentions, but boy did she mess up. Eek. And Sky, why are you so trusting of Diaspro when you were reluctant to talk to Bloom about your past at all??? What!? 

Lastly, a new commercial came out for Harmonix dolls from Simba/Giochi/Witty/that European company, but it doesn't show off the dolls as much as it does Harmonix. They should advertise new Seasons like this, this got me pumped for Harmonix. Much more then for the dolls. :P

These clips were beautiful! Love Harmonix, definitely one of my favorite transformations of theirs. It's so pretty! But I still hold my old opinion of it being hard to fight in, I mean look at it. ;) Still very gorgeous, though.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check back Sunday for my next episode review!! Assuming they air it, unlike last week. ;)


  1. Hi SibyllaJustice!

    My friend named Sasha from just want to inform you that the site's name were the same. I know BelievixWings can be a common name. She just wants to make sure no one thinks this blog is Sasha's. Can you make sure you inform others about this from your blog to avoid confusion?


    From, Rita of

    1. Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to pick the same name. :(

      Yes, I'll add it to the side of my blog like I have page views, members, info etc. I'll be sure to let them know we're separate, okay?

      Can you tell Sasha I'm sooo sorry about this! I hope it isn't a big deal.

  2. It's okay. Nothing to worry about. =) We all know it's very common. ^^"


    Sure I will. =) It shouldn't be. It's just to avoid the confusions. =)

    By the way, great blog! ^_^

    From, Rita of

  3. I think Icy's a bit plain. :( I wish she had streaks in her hair as well as a second color. But her design is much cooler in form than the Winx.
