Sunday, October 28, 2012

Review: Season 5: Episode 8, Secret of the Ruby Reef *SPOILERS*

It took a while for it to air... but it did! I liked it. It was cute! I know a lot of people have been watching the episodes in Italian ahead of time on Rai's site (?) but I don't really want to do that. I mean, I can't even understand Italian and it's more fun to do this, so don't expect me to post reviews for episodes before Nick airs them. So, here's my review of Secret of the Ruby Reef. 

Holy cow Nickelodeon, did you just advertise the Lost Kingdom right before Secret of the Ruby Reef? My goodness, I know there was some scheduling trouble but dang. I was worried there for a moment.

Okay, so we start with that party from the preview clip we got like, two weeks ago. I'm surprised Krystal wasn't there to mess with Helia's relationship with Flora. Did they forget about her?? We haven't seen her in a while. Oh well, I didn't particularly want her to be there anyway.

So at said party Stella notices Aisha all lonely and all that and drags some boys over there to talk to her, but Aisha doesn't want to be with them so she splats drink in their faces and gets mad at Stella. harsh, Aisha. Poor guys didn't know what they were getting into. Stella has good intentions but I don't really agree with her execution. She could've just gone and kept Aisha company herself. Oh yeah, Roy was at this party considering asking Aisha out but I didn't think it was very interesting. He's nice I guess but no Nabu.

Anyway, we then see Tecna in her room talking to Timmy (hey wait, how'd she get her streaks? Did Stella automatically flash them into her hair from outside and Tecna was just like, 'oh, Stella's at it again haha'??) So while she's here the Sirenix book just starts singing. That's kinda creepy. She goes outside to find the girls and just walks around playing it on her phone, until Musa recognizes it and says it's something her mom used to sing to her. (now I want to know something... which came first, it being a clue or Musa's mom singing it to her? Because if it was a clue first dang, Musa's mom, talk about foreshadowing)

Also, apparently they only have ten or so days left. What did you do with the rest of them?! They then decide to go to Melody since the clue is Musa's mom and yeah. Stella, Aisha, and Musa are the ones going this time. Aisha and Stella seem to be going on almost all of these.

We then see Tritannus invading his father's castle and he turns Tressa and Neptune into magic merzombies. NO TRITANNUS, TRESSA IS AMAZING DON'T DO THAT. She should've escaped. ;~; Tritannus' scenes are so creepy. They always give me an uneasy feeling-- like 'who's he gonna get next, eee don't hurt (insert name here), don't turn them into a merzombie!!'

So then the Winx are now on a boat which holy cow, Aisha is driving. (yes, out of the three pictures I decided to put in this post, Aisha driving the boat is one of them.) Aisha is amazing. She can drive a boat for crying out loud. Where's Roy, I thought it was his boat? Oh well. Anyway, Aisha and Stella are arguing more. Stop arguing you two, you're my two favorite characters. :(

We arrive on Melody... and Tritannus is trying to get Aisha! No no no don't you dare turn her into a magic merzombie too. Oh, Musa had a flashback about her mother here. It wasn't a very interesting one, just them kinda walking around. Oh well, nice to see her at all.

Dang it Tritannus hit Musa! Wait why did she turn into a big sea glob dog. That is not relevant to Musa.

Alright, so he swims off and leaves the girls to fight Musa dog. Wait, now they're scared? Why weren't you scared when we saw Tec-bot?? I guess this is scarier since Tritannus did it but still. They basically flee for a while until they find the selkies and they tell them that maybe by bonding with a selkie Musa could be cured. Musa's selkie is named Sona! (spelling?)

So they lure Musa dog over to Sona who looks like she's about to pass out from exhaustion since Tritannus just took her powers. Sona sends magical blue beams out of her eyes causing Musa to turn back into Musa and making them bond. 

Hey wait, where's Fila and what's she the selkie of? 

Musa dog is gone, and we have Musa back! Woohoo! I really like Musa this season. We then find the Ruby Reef and play a song on it. It was a pretty song! But what did it have to do with anything, we just got another riddle. Which was something like feel music. Then the girls go home since apparently they need to think more. Hey, we didn't earn a gem today. We need to hurry up unless we want to end up powerless. They get home and Bloom decides the other Winx will deal with this big mission she has a big mission too?? To find Sky's lost memory oh Bloom. There's something a bit more important to be doing right now.

So then at the end of the episode Bloom and Sky find a silly destiny shell which means they're destined to be together, okay. We then see Daphne watching her from the bottom of a lake which she was also doing at the beginning of the episode but I forgot to mention. The Trix and Tritannus come and mess her up no don't touch Daphne. I did love the line of 'who lives under a lake' though. Why is Daphne so scared though?? She's a spirit, how are they supposed to hurt her?

Next episode preview... Zenith! Ah that's nice we get to go there. And Stella's fashion show which apparently according to some episode description she gets turned into a kid because. This should be entertaining.

Thanks for reading guys! Be sure to keep checking this blog for new posts-- I just picked up some new Winx dolls this weekend so reviews for them should be popping up soon, keep an eye out. And of course, next week there will be a new episode review. ;)

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