Winx Club has three English dubs. The Nick one, the Rai/Cinelume one, and the 4kids one! Everyone has their personal preferences, and here are my thoughts on them.
The Nick Dub
This is the only dub of Season 5 we'll ever see. That's kinda depressing. It's not that Nick dub is bad, it's just that you know, variety!
Nick dub is extremely neutral in my opinion. I think part of it is just the fact that Season 5 isn't as interesting as the others, but some of the voices just... really irk me.
Bloom strikes me as really normal. I wish she had a bit more feeling to her voice. She sounds super, super cute sometimes, like when she was talking to Sky in the (second?) episode of Season 5, and she asked if something was wrong, but her battle cries make me cringe sometimes. Her lines don't help either. A lot of them are just "Believe in yourself!" and "We can do it!". I know she's the motivational one Nick, but... really? Can't she show some other character traits besides that? If I had just started watching now that's all I would think of her.
Stella is... nice, I guess. I mainly just have a lot of personal gripes on Stella's voice, that really I doubt apply to anyone else. I grew up with the 4kids naggy, harsh, imperfect voice... now she just sounds like the preppy, popular, perfect girl. I know that now that's basically what she is, but still. I miss all the little quirks of her old voice.
Flora's voice I actually, really, really like. I think it may be my favorite Flora voice up to date. It sounds really mature and natural. It really fits her character. I don't really have any complaints about her voice at all. It's super cool.
Musa's IS my favorite Musa voice! I actually really like Romi Dames as her. When I first heard it was going to be Romi Dames I was kinda like, "...that girl from Hannah Montana? But she's so nasal!!" but this is absolutely perfect.
Aisha's voice is fine too. She's really good at talking, and yelling. She could speak a little clearer but that's about it. I'm more into the deeper voice for her, but hey, this works too.
Overall Nick dub is fine to me. It's not my favorite, but it's not that bad. I don't particularly like the kidded-down script, but I'm not even sure if that's Nick's fault or Rainbow's. I haven't watched the Italian dub subbed so I can't really judge on that.
Their advertising is a little... odd. They advertised really well for the specials, but the Seasons they're absolutely failing at. It says something when we've had about three rumored dates for it to return, since it ended not long ago. I hear we're doing really bad on ratings too... I think that's a mixture of the fact that Season 5 just isn't as good so far, and Nick's poor advertising. I mean, half the time I didn't even know if Winx was airing or not.
The Rai Dub
I actually haven't seen all that much of the Rai dub. I've seen one episode out of Season 3, one episode out of Season 1, and the Magical Adventure movie. The funny thing? I've had different feelings on each of them.
I actually didn't like what I heard from it. Everyone sounded... the same. I'm sure it's just because I hadn't watched much of it, and I thought that of Nick too when I first heard it, but seriously. Bloom, Flora, Layla, and Tecna all sounded really similar from what I remember.
I guess that their voices weren't that bad, but it kinda sounded like a fandub. No one sounded very professional, and there was this weird... thing in the background, I don't remember what it was, there was an echo or something. Like they were talking in a long hallway. I don't really remember. But it didn't sound good.
The Season 3 episode I watched seemed like Season 3 must've been Rai's best work, maybe competing with Season 4 which I still haven't seen their dub of. Everyone did sound a bit more different. I was disappointed though with the fact that Musa sounded so girly. I guess she did early on too, but I was expecting some change. She just sounds so girly. Stella I have mixed feelings on. I did like the girl's voice, but I wasn't big on the tone she was using. Needed to be more obnoxious. Layla sounded extremely regular. I was kinda unimpressed with her and Flora. Bloom's voice I didn't mind. It was cute!
The Trix sounded weird. I don't even remember it well. From what I can remember they sounded like generic mean girls. Extremely generic. I think I was too distracted by old man Valtor to think about them.
Sky sounded weirdly dorky. Like he was Timmy, but he wasn't. I thought he was supposed to be the princely guy?
My thoughts on Magical Adventure were... wow. Okay, I was just starting to like Rai Bloom! Then they replaced her voice with this girl that sounded like she came out of a Shojo anime! What the heck, Rai?! She sounded so weak and parthetic, like she was going to trip and fall on Sky any second!
I can't even remember how the other girls sounded. It's like we went back to our former state of everyone sounding exactly the same.
Bloom's dad sounded sassy. And I don't mean slightly sassy, I mean fullout sassy. It was weird, man. I wa s so confused.
The 4kids Dub
Probably the most hated dub among fans, though my personal favorite.
I guess it's probably just because I grew up with it, but I do think it was the nicest of the dubs. I know that sure, Rai had less annoying voices and didn't cut things out, and Nick did more Seasons, but 4kids does have it's good things.
It sounds professional. They got real voice actors to do it, not actors that they thought would work well, and not random people. Sure they cut out things, but like, does that even matter? The stuff they cut out didn't contribute to the story anyway. Who cares if we don't get to see fifteen extra seconds of the Winx walking around.
I also always see complaints about "they changed Aisha's name to Layla!!!!!" "they changed Domino to Sparks!!!!!" "they changed Andros to Tides!!!!"... okay, fine, you can complain about that, they're valid. But the main thing that really kills me about these complaints... is that for at least two of these, Rai did it too. I KNOW 4kids wasn't the only one to call her Layla, they did in Rai too. And when I watched Magical Adventure Rai dub they called Domino Sparks... so come on, stop blaming 4kids for everything. I know they ruin anime and stuff, but Winx Club wasn't a show they really ruined.
But I'll stop ranting on that. Let's talk about the voices.
I love the 4kids voice cast, SO much. I know a lot of people hate it because everyone sounds kinda weird, but it's a fun weird! I mean, do you really want all cartoon characters to sound normal? That'd be so generic and boring!
Flora's voice was okay. I prefer Nick's oddly enough. I actually really loved her voice in Season 1, but after that it kinda changed... in S1, it was more mature, but after that it got turned into the cutesy shy girl voice.
Musa's voice was cute too! I liked how scratchy and rough it sounded, it was unique and adorable. Tecna's voice... despite the completely out of the blue British accent, I think it worked. It was deeper then most the girls', and it sounded serious while still managing to be playful when needed. I liked hers.
Layla's 4kids voice is probably my second favorite of the cast, minus Stella. I LOVE it. It's perfect! It's really deep which is a nice change of pace, and it just sounded really pretty. I wish Nick had gone with a more deeper voice.
I really enjoyed this article, and I agreed with you a hundred percent.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that people should stop complaining about the cuts 4kidstv made, didn't really contribute much to the story line like you said.
And they have also done good by fixing plot holes such as Aisha missing from the Battle scene with the Trix in Season 3 Episode 12 when Flora received her Enchantix. As for cutting transformation sequences it didn't really matter because we got to see the full transformations in the other dubs too and also, by season 4 people were complaining about how long the Believix transformations were. I LOVE the 4KidsTV dub, they really captured what the show was about.
The Nick dub, for the most part, has great voices. For instance, part of the reason I watched season three for the fourth time (more than any other season) is because of Josh Keaton's amazing voice work as Valtor! I missed his awesome 4kids guitar riff whenever he did something evil, but this was even better. I also love Musa's voice, Roxy's voice, and Ogron's voice (but it reminds me of the Flim Flam Brothers' voices from MLP, just like how Aurora's reminded me of Cadence).
ReplyDeleteHowever, it has its downfalls. For instance, Mirta's 4kids voice was so unique and raspy, like a female blues singer. It really fit her much more than the generic cutesy voice that Nick gave her. Tecna's sounds too much like a voice from an educational program for small children. And, while I mainly like Keke Palmer's voice work as Aisha, she's not as good as her amazing 4kids voice (which I imagine my OC magical girl character Valka having) and she can be a bit melodramatic at times. I remember rewatching Nabu's death scene and actually laughed when Aisha said, "Ethereal Fairies, please...give me the gift OF LIFE!" Kinda ruined the scene. Though whatever problem she had at that time was clearly fixed, as she gave a great performance when she's leaving Bloom to go join Nebula.
LOL, Tecna totally does sound like she came out of an educational program for kids. :P I agree with you on most of this! I actually don't remember Josh Keaton as Valtor lol. I didn't watch Nick S3 much, Molly Quinn killed me too much. I think one of my online friends knows him though. Aisha's voice is kinda silly sometimes but overall I don't mind it.
DeleteAurora's voice actually reminded me of Pandora from Rune Factory Oceans, if you've ever played that. And Valtor's guitar riff will totally be missed. I think the main thing I miss about 4kids' voices is how cartoony and different everyone sounded.
I agree with you guys but I haven't really seen all the dubs. Me and my sister used to watch the 4kids dub on a show called Pop (where they also do smurfs cartoons) and really enjoyed it until Dark Bloom came along (I think my sister was 6, she was sad because Bloom was and still is her favourite character, I love Musa but I liked Bloom then). They then stopped showing Winx Club until one day I was up early and saw Winx Club on Nick, thought, OK and went for it. I personally think the Nick voices are great, actually, especially Musa. Moving on, however, the RAI voices are really bad, personally (I've only seen two episodes from Season 4). Bloom, Stella and Tecna sounded the same, Musa sounded weird and I didn't even hear Aisha. Who would listen to a fairy of music who sounded like a robot? I didn't like the film MA either. If anyone wants it, I'm going to make a prototype of it with altered voices which would sound similar to nick. I also wanted to say that in the Italian one, they all sound the same.
DeleteAgree 100 % Sibylla! We could be twins! JK, anyways, I do wonder why everyone hates 4Kids so much! I grew up with it, and yeah, it changed stuff but they thought they were doing what's best to "Americanize" it and make it popular. And it did. None of the people in my school know Winx from Nick, but from 4Kids because they actually advertised!
ReplyDeleteMoving on, I think Stella's 4Kids voice was the best Winx voice. She sounded popular and flashy with slight imperfections that really shine through during her vulnerable moments.
You made me miss 4Kids so much!
So far I been wathcing the 4kids dub and have 2 or 3 of the dvd's of season 1.I luv the 4kids dub!! the voices sounded good!! like bloom's voice, it fit her. it added emotion and feelings. Stella's......PERFECT!! it totally fits her. she was a bit of a drama queen, but still it fit her and she was way nice. Musa.... a little. I lie it when she talks all hip-hop.It fit her cuz she showed that she luv music. Layla's......AWESOME!!! it totally fit her.Flora's voice was cute but i like nick's voice of flora. Tecna was kinda bad with the british voice. keke palmer not that much. she added to much stron and no luv. I luv the ep. I hate rai dub. To boring and the voices were weird.the movie's were ok. Nick is ok. I don't like the time slot and the ep were....ewwww...ok. The voice of tecna is awesome!flora's the same. bloom's i hate it. Stella's ok.Musa...perfect touch!aisha's....nope.
ReplyDeleteCan I also say that I LOVE Tecna's 4kids British accent!!! it totally rocks! I sound exactly like her at times!