Hey, haven't had a post like this in a while! It's about time for another episode review. I hope you all watched the new episode today so ratings will get higher. Because we all know what happens to a show with bad ratings...
Anyway. Let's not think about that. Let's get started!
So the episode starts with the girls relaxing at Gardenia beach, and Bloom feeding soda to Kiko. Okay, I'm not rabbit expert, but it doesn't seem safe to feed your rabbit soda. But. Whatever. Bloom won't come crying to me when her rabbit gets some sort of health problem.
We have some casual, generic girly moments as we kinda loiter around the beach, talking about how we're so excited to go swimming. But then... oh no, more pollution! (Okay, I know Earth is really polluted in real life. But we do not have tons of general trash floating around everywhere. I know I haven't been to the beach in a while, but come on.) Our perfect day has been ruined.
So we recruit the entire population of the beach to help us clean it up. You know, while they did this I noticed that Winx Club's background characters actually have different body types. That's really nice that not everyone looks like the super-skinny stick thin Winx. Stella zaps gloves on to everyone and everyone acts like it's the most amazing thing they've ever experienced. ..they're just gloves, man. Not even pretty gloves.
I don't like Matt Shively as Sky.
We then zap into CGI, where Icy, Tritannus, Darcy, and Stormy are all hanging out in the Infinite Ocean, finding the Emperor's Throne. There was this ONE line, the worst line. I don't even remember it, but I think Stormy was like "what's gonna happen when you find it?" and Tritannus responded back with "Everything!"
What a line, Tritannus. Nick's writing team... what are you doing? He also went on this really awkward rant about how everything will happen and he'll smash all.
So he tries to sit in it, and nothing happens. He does it again, nothing happens. He hits it with some toxic power or something and it sends this giant burst of lighning at him that HAD to have been meant to be comic relief because he then fell literally like 50 stories and splatted on the ground. It also apparently sucked all the toxins out of him and he turned into normal merman. Please stay that way, Tritannus. But of course, nope. They decide to go to Earth to get some more pollution so he can resume his mutant activites.
We're back on Earth now with the Winx, and we've just finished picking up all the trash on the beach. Stella gets the best idea ever and decides to make a line of biodegradable clothing. (Wait, doesn't that already exist?) So she go races off to make some and literally like twenty seconds later we see Brandon on a runway announcing Stella's new designs.
Stella, that's not how you do biodegradable. And how'd you come up with this in twenty seconds?
Everyone laughs at her and Kiko eats her dress. Why did she think vege-dress would be a good idea? Stella, bby.
So she cries and runs off. Brandon goes and finds her. (she somehow managed to get back into her beach attire and beach hairstyle in twenty seconds... man Stella, you're Sonic fast this episode.) She complains that no one likes her designs, and Brandon tries to comfort her but ends up saying that everything she makes is impractical and inconvenient. She then asks if he thinks that too, and he says yes. Okay Brandon, I know it's true, but way to comfort your girlfriend. You seem to have forgotten she's now mentally nine and can't take this kind of criticism. As you can tell, I'm slightly frustrated. Stella storms off upset and goes back to join the Winx.
So now we're back at the beach, and it's trashed-up again. We find out there's some island in the middle of the ocean that's creating all the pollution and we head there. Of course, when we arrive, Tritannus is already there. Tritannus makes me uncomfortable.
We get there, and there's this giant tornado they're making to suck up all the pollution. We get pulled in to kind of get us off their backs and we just kinda struggle and fly around in there until we all manage to grab hands and use ~CONVERGENCE~. Have I mentioned I'm starting to hate Congergence? I know team work, blah blah blah is important, but we're using it so often and not even in the way we were supposed to. When we first learned it in Season 2 it was about each girl putting in something special-- and when they tried using it like they do now, it backfired. But nope. Now it's just throw all the powers together and everything will be better.
Whatever, at least 2D Sirenix is cute. Tritannus and the Trix run off and we dive underwater after them. Oh boy, so these new hair colors are here to stay. It used to just be when we were in the infinite ocean they'd change colors. Nope nope nope, just all water now. If I had that power I'd so just get like the bottom half of my hair wet all the time and be multi-colored. Also, do you see how long Musa's hair is in that screencap I took. What the heck, animators. I know it wasn't that long before.

But then he pulls out his mutant merzombies which severlely upset us because he starts talking about how they're Queen Ligeia, Tressa, Neptune, and Nereus, and I think Aisha's family but some people were making noise in the other room when he was talking about this so I might have missed something. We decide not to attack them because they're people we know. Okay, so I hope the Winx recognize now that we're in a situation where we can't go after Tritannus until we find out how to reverse the spell on the mutant merzombies, because he's just gonna keep pulling them out. Please don't just blindly go after him, Winx. Be smart.
He gets away and we go back to Earth, where everyone at Gardenia Beach agrees to go and clean up that trash island. How do they plan to get there? They can't fly, and there's nowhere to dock with a boat, it's too small. I don't get it, but whatever it's the thought that counts.
Aisha has a moment where she gets sad about her family. Can we focus on that instead please? It's much more interesting then the beach that this is what-- the third time we've tried to save this episode?
Next episode preview-- Aisha is given Neptune's sword from her dad. (Wait, I thought her family got turned into mutants. Someone explain this to me, I'm confused.) PLEASE Aisha, carry that around and just use it as your weapon this whole Season. I wanted you to take over Nabu's staff and you didn't, and I wanted Stella to take over that gigantic shield but she didn't, so you have to do this. Come oooooon.
Also, Tritannus messes with the Pillar of Light which is connected to Stella's dad's life force. No, don't die Stella's dad. I like you. Please. And we see Stella's mom for the first time in person! So excited, I love Luna's design! I think the only times we've seen her are in that S1 dream Stella had, and in some artwork that was unlockable in the Mission Enchantix DS game. Love her!
Next episode sounds better, but maybe that's just me. I'm really excited to see Luna's personality! I love her design. However, with that name, and the fact that she's royalty, I'm probably going to laugh so hard if she yells at all in the next episode while saying, "She's using her Royal Canterlot Voice!"
ReplyDeleteOh man. Never realized all the MLP-Winx jokes you can make hehe! (also, btw, did you hear about that human MLP thing?)
DeleteLuna's design is really cool!
Do you like tecnas nimi ????